The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake/Tsunami was a magnitude 9.0 Mw event that destroyed most structural tsunami countermeasures. However, approximately 90% of the estimated population at risk from the tsunami survived due to rapid evacuation to higher ground or inland. In this paper, we introduce an evacuation model integrated with a numerical simulation of a tsunami and a casualty estimation evaluation. The model was developed in Netlogo, a multi-agent programming language and modeling environment for simulating complex phenomena. GIS data are used as spatial input information for road and shelter locations. Tsunami departure curves are used as the start time for agents deciding to evacuate in the model. Pedestrians and car drivers decide their own goals and search for a suitable route through algorithms that are also used in the video game and artificial intelligence fields. Bottleneck identification, shelter demand, and casualty estimation are some of the applications of the simulator. A case study of the model is presented for the village of Arahama in the Sendai plain area of Miyagi Prefecture in Japan. A stochastic simulation with 1,000 repetitions of evacuation resulted in a mean of 82.1% (SD=3.0%) of the population evacuated, including a total average of 498 agents evacuating to a multi-story shelter. The results agree with the reported outcome of 90% evacuation and 520 sheltered evacuees in the event. The proposed model shows the capability of exploring individual parameters and outcomes. The model allows observation of the behavior of individuals in the complex process of tsunami evacuation. This tool is important for the future evaluation of evacuation feasibility and shelter demand analysis.