Forthcoming Special Issue of International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (IJDRR) on the topic of Cascading Effects in Disaster Risk Science: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives. Based on the International Workshop on Cascading Disaster Held at the Technion in November 2018. Publication date: early 2020.
Seminar on Modeling Disasters in the Urban Environment was held on Feb 27th at IRIDeS (see attached program and pictures). This followed a DIM2SEA project meeting on Feb 26th that was attended by Daniel Felsenstein, Eilat Elbaum and Masha Vernick from Israel, and Erick Mas and Luis Moya from Japan.
The AQR-IREA is an annual workshop hosted by the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona. This year’s workshop focused on territorial resilience. As part of the workshop one of DIM2SEA’s papers was presented by Peleg Samuels (abstract). The paper, published this year in a special issue of the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (IJDRR), focused on the theoretical implications of labor mobility and trade to the local labor market. Read more about Presentation at AQR-IREA annual workshop in Barcelona
This consortium comprises 9 research institutions lead by Haifa University and is funded by the Ministries of Defense and Science, Technology and Space. Hebrew University is one of the academic partners in the Center and dim2sea research outputs are expected to contribute to its knowledge base.
Seminar on Modeling Disasters in the Urban Environment was held on Feb 27th at IRIDeS (see attached program and pictures). This followed a DIM2SEA project meeting on Feb 26th that was attended by Daniel Felsenstein, Eilat Elbaum and Masha Vernick from Israel, and Erick Mas and Luis Moya from Japan.
Forthcoming Special Issue of International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (IJDRR) on the topic of Cascading Effects in Disaster Risk Science: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives. Based on the International Workshop on Cascading Disaster Held at the Technion in November 2018. Publication date: early 2020.