Recent presentations of DIM2SEA project outputs:
25.12.16, Israel Geographical Association Annual Conference, Tel Aviv University, DIM2SEA organized session on the topic of Urban Resilience in Emergency Situations
2.2.17, DIM2SEA Workshop Hebrew University, Mt Scopus on Modeling Urban Resilience in the Aftermath of the Haifa Fire.
About 25 people attended this academic workshop that was dedicated to showcasing different approaches for modeling urban resilience. The proceedings of the meeting are to be submitted to an international journal for a proposed special issue dedicated to the workshop theme.
For photos from the event, lsee the photo gallery: Visit to Israel and Workshop
6.2.17, Israel Regional Science Association Annual Conference Western Galilee Regional College, Akko, DIM2SEA organized session on Modeling Emergencies and Catastrophes
Overe the first week of February 2017, a project progess meeting was held at Hebrew University. Each group presented updates on progress, future plans were discussed and the meeting included visits to key sites in Jerusalem.